It’s 11:36 on a Sunday evening when I am writing this. I was actually going to make my way to sleep and felt like I was forgetting something. I wracked my brain as to what it was.

I went downstairs to get a glass of almond milk because almond milk improves brain function instantly. I’m just kidding. Anyway, I went back upstairs and drank my glass waiting for the brain to kick in and remember what it was I was forgetting before going to sleep. I hoped that by the end of the last drop of milk, I would remember. If not, I would be going to sleep missing something I did not do. Then, there it was, and I instantly remembered. I heard “shot,” “shot,” then a short but loud and strong firework blast and alas, I instantly remembered what I had forgotten. It was to write an opinion piece complaining about the firework noises that take place regularly in the evening. This time, however, it sounded like it was masking two gunshots. It’s hard to tell nowadays.

We are more urban than before. With that in mind, it would be good for whoever shoots off regular fireworks at night to just not. I have seen postings on the Nextdoor app from other people who have heard the noises and play a game of gunshot vs. firework. The comments are filled with exact recollections and accounts of the night before, times and places recollected about where they were when they heard either what was a gunshot or a firework.

Neighbors talk about the moments of fear, panic, then wonderment as to whether “it” was a gunshot or a firework. Sometimes I just think about all the dogs and cats that dread the night because they are tormented by regular sounds. I feel badly for those of us who hear the sounds regularly, but mostly for the dogs. Dogs are incredibly sensitive to these sounds and they invoke terror in them. They cause anxiety attacks, panic and sometimes fleeing. Can you imagine experiencing that almost every night in the summer or at least on a regular basis? This just adds to more proof that we don’t deserve dogs.

Whoever is doing this during the summer, I don’t imagine they are the type of person who would listen to reason and considerations. So I would like to send them this one message — consider helping our neighborhood to eliminate at least one of those sounds, thereby allowing for the other sound to be adequately addressed by governing authorities.

If you don’t care about the people you disturb by shooting fireworks late at night, think about the quality of life you are creating for the pets who don’t deserve to live in panic and anxiety as their daily, or rather nightly, existence.

EL Serumaga is a resident of River Forest.

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